Custom Thank You Page, overview.

Custom Thank You Page allows you to customize the final thank you page of WooCommerce.

Thanks to our plugin, you will be able to display a custom thank you page when your user purchase a specific product or from your whole WooCommerce catalog.

Important: Tracking codes, conversion script or custom css codes are not allowed, they will be removed from the WordPress editor, for security reason.

Also, most of these scripts needs to be loaded before </head> tag or just above </body> tag. We suggest to install a free plugin like Tracking Code Manager if you need this feature.

Please follow these step to configurate properly a new custom thank you page.

1. Go to the plugin settings and open the Content Generator tab
2. Click on “New content” button to generate a new content.

Below are a list of all available options:

Main options

– Page name, the name of the current page
– Products filter type , that means that you can decide if include or exclude specific WooCommerce Products.
– – Include these items , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when an user purchase a specific product, you can also type [all] or [All] to include all products.
– – Exclude these items , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when an user purchase all WooCommerce products, except the chosen products.
– – Include all products inside specific categories , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when an user purchase one or more product inside chosen product categories.
– – Exclude all products inside specific categories , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when an user purchase all WooCommerce products, except one or more product inside the chosen product categories
– Gateway ID , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when an user complete the order using one or more payment gateway.
– Amount of order , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when the amount of an order is higher than a specific value.
– Device , that means that the custom thank you page will be loaded when the customer use one or more chosen device.
– Order details , if you want you can disable the order details table.
– Content position , when the order details table is active, you can select the position of your custom content, before or after the order details.
– Content , customize the final thank you page using the native WordPress editor, you can also load a specific dynamics user data inside the final thank you page or a WordPress shortcode.

Here a videotutorials that will help you to start with Custom Thank You Page plugin.